Spoken Word Essay Collection Volume IV: Unapologetically Pro-Democracy
The fourth volume of 25 essays has begun. This batch is our first series which are to be listened to in order. Specifically focusing around deconstructing, unpacking, and explaining pro-democracy political philosophy from a unique perspective of the spiritual and its relationship to binary mechanics - meaning “the physical or material”.
Spoken Word Essay Collection Volume III: Wisdom From Teachers
The third volume includes the following 25 essays (both written and spoken word versions) created from 2021 to 2023. Essays included:
A Personal Workspace, American Brain Fog, A Street Photographer Appreciates A Street Artist, A Vast Ocean of Life Coaches, Awards Are Stupid, Cooling Harsh Rhetoric, Crossing the Time Wealth Threshold, Decentralizing The Big, Dual DisHonorables, Ingestion From The External, Karma Cafe, Lets Robin Hood The L-Curve, Making Bilateral effort, Multilevel Pyramid Cults, No Set Schedule, Recorrecting Visual Imbalance, Stormy Seas Continue, The Cannot Be Given Away Phase, The Spoken Word, Tools of Our Trades, Transitioning from Personal Development to Spiritual Self Development, Wisdom From Teachers, and Writing Makes You Unstoppable.
Bringing Ritual Into Meditation
Bringing Ritual Into Meditation is our second longer form stand alone audio only product after Traveling Through the Ninth Gate.
It shares a series of technique we’ve personally found beneficial for bringing some form of ritual and affirmation into a meditation in order to increase concentration.
It’s comprised of four major steps, each fully detailed with its own study guide image included.
Spoken Word Essay Collection Volume II: Navigating With Reason
The second volume includes the following 25 essays (both written and spoken word versions) created from 2019 to 2021. Essays included:
A List of Illogical Fallacies, Asking is As King, A Tea Said To Cure Cancer, Behind a Set of Castle Gates, Cutting it Out, Entheogenic Use On The Spiritual Path, Fear And Terror Broadcasts, Growing Tonights Dream, Hegalian Dialectic, Lonely Elephants And Social Connection, Mystery of History, Navigating With Reason, Overstanding Outerstanding and Innerstanding, The 10 Case Affirmations, The Creative Mind's Successful Thoughts, The Crystalline Perfection of The Philosopher's Stone, The Individualization Trinity, The Master of the Carriage, The Mount Everest Climb of Finishing, The Path of Spiritual Growth Part 1, Three Pillars of Persuasion, Transitioning Into Digital Ghosts, Two Brilliant Minds Decode The Wake, You're Talking to Yourself, and Your Most Unique Expression of Individuality.
Traveling Through The Ninth Gate
The Ninth Gate is a 1999 mystery thriller film directed, produced, and co-written by Roman Polanski. It was the film adaptation of the book The Dumas Club, written by Arturo Pérez-Reverte.
While panned by critics and often disliked by many, we feel it’s really a phenomenally underrated film. A quite masterful piece of cinema, which functions on multiple layers, with deep symbology, and is extremely well thought out, with Kubrickian level foresight and planning in terms of its script and how all avenues of its production wove a tapestry of a much deeper story and mystery.
Due to it being one of our favorite films, we have put together this detailed audio deconstruction of the story, symbolism, and occult undertones which aim to give some insights on that mystery. Traveling Through The Ninth Gate is an analysis/deconstruction created after extensive viewings, interest, and research of the film, highlighting the deeper underlying themes of what the story entails via our own personal experiences with the esoteric, meaning inside, and the occult, meaning hidden. So think of it as our first extended spoken word essay and/or short audiobook.
Spoken Word Essay Collection Volume I: Student of Life
The first collection consists of the first 25 essays (both written and spoken word versions) created from 2017 to 2019. Originally part of the podcast An Infinite Path, these are the first full collection of public and private essays available individualized with just the raw voice. Recorded in various closets so the sound inflection does vary, but audio quality is for the most part, consistent.
The vast majority of them were written by Niles with the exception of a small handful which were co-written or borrowed in which case credit is given in the id3 tags of the mp3 file. Some are a few minutes, and some are over half an hour, resulting in a total of 5 hours and 45 minutes of audio content.
The essays included are: A Method For Creating Reality, A New Definition of Greatness, A Question of Velocity, Being Critical of Criticism, Big Sports Fansmanship, Childish Asleep Robots, Deciphering A Symbol, Forward Movement, From Centralized to Decentralized, Health is Wealth, In Recovery with Ted Nugent, Letting Go of Intentions, Proactive Beats Reactive, Reading Through You Ears, Real Spirituality Over Fake Spirituality, Reason For Being, Schooling is Not Education, Setting Players to Zero, Some Thoughts in 2019, Student of Life, Tapping Into Symbols and Synchronicity, The Individuation Process, This Infinite World of Ours, What Do we Do About All This, and What You Are and What You Are Not.
A free preview of one of the essays can be downloaded HERE. The full collection of 25 essays for $12 is less than 50 cents per mp3 audio file. Purchasing helps support future volumes.
The essays in written form are available through the essay volumes and also in our full members section.
The public half of them are also slowly being added to our Substack.